"Not all that glitters is golden,
Not all those who wander are lost...."

~ J. R. R. Tolkien

Friday, August 21, 2009

Hey Howdy Hello!!

Welcome to Fun School Fridays!!

In an effort to make our homeschooling fresh, fun and less prone to boredom and burnout, a few years ago I decided to put away the books, and ease off the hard-core readin', writin, and 'rithmetic once a week. Fun School Fridays was the result! Every Friday, my dc and I perticipate in fun, usually creative, learning. This blog was created at the request of some FSF fans who wanted a more permanent place for my ideas.

If your homeschool needs a boost, or if you're just a parent tired of hearing "I'm bored" or "Mom, what can we do?" then Fun School Friday is the place to find fun, creative ideas to add some spark to your week or that rainy weekend afternoon.

I take my FSF adventures with my ds Mr. T, and my dd Miss K. Mr. T is currently 8yo and just starting 3rd grade. Miss K is 10 and starting 5th grade. If your dc are younger or older, feel free to modify our FSF ideas to suit their needs, abilities, and your situation.

FSF activities take many forms. Some are for outside, outdoors learning. Some are geared to the kitchen table. Others are best completed on the floor. Some are messy. Some involve cooking. There's art, science, math and language activities, too. You never know where we'll land on a Fun School Friday.

Not all of my ideas are original. I glean resources from websites, books and other homeschoolers. If I know it/have it written down, I'll post a link or citation to the original source. Keep in mind, though, that I don't always have the original source cited in my Mama's Book of Ideas. If you see something that you know is yours, or that you know where it came from and want to let me know, drop me a line, or add a comment to the relevant post.

I plan to post our plans one week ahead, so watch every Friday for next week's activities!

Come along and make some fun!!

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